Monday, September 15, 2008

Post the First

We've successfully concluded the first of what should be many many nights of movie-watching, movie-bashing, six-degrees-of'ing and general cinematic camaraderie.

If you missed the first night this is how it works:

A) We decide on a theme (could be a genre of movie or a loose theme that ties them all together. serious, wacky, whatever).
B) We pick 6 films within that theme.
C) We watch them over the course of 2 weeks. Monday, Thursday and Sunday are our proposed nights.

Then we talk about what we saw, try to learn something and everyone is welcome to post to the blog or comment. Keeping a record of our discourse is definitely a really important part of the Society so if you got somethin' to say, by all means do so! Everyone won't be at every movie night so this is a good way for everyone to catch up as well. You all will be able to both comment and start a blog but it will be easiest if we stick to just one blog per movie, k?

By Sunday we hope to have an official name, at which point the blog address will most likely change. So everybody think of something good. As is custom in our group the funnier, snootier and more obscure the better!

1 comment:

alex t said...

good thing I work at scarecrow, or we'd all be broke and probably not renting anything obscure. (the deposits for some of those are like, $200!)

hooray movie lover friends unite! thank god for the ambilight!!